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c. Research issues for undergraduate students of English education department in Academic year 2021 to 2023

Translation and Interpretation

An academic interdisciplinary dealing with the systematic study of the theory, description and application of translation, interpreting, and localization. As an interdisciplinary, translation Studies borrows much from the various fields of study that support translation.

  1. Comparative literature, computer science, linguistics, semiotics, and terminology.
  2. Translation project,
  3. Translation criticism,
  4. Dynamic and formal equivalence,
  5. Contrastive linguistics.
  6. Technologies: CAT, machine translation, mobile (machine) translation, translation management system, dubbing, subtitling, pre-editing, post-editing, multimedia translation,
  7. Foreignization,
  8. Literal translation,
  9. Idiomatic translation,
  10. Faithful translation,

English for Specific Purposes

Topics relevant to the teaching and learning of discourse for specific communities:

  1. Academic, occupational, or otherwise specialized,
  2. Second language acquisition in specialized contexts,
  3. Needs assessment,
  4. Curriculum development and evaluation,
  5. Materials preparation, discourse analysis, descriptions of specialized varieties of English,
  6. Teaching and testing techniques,
  7. The effectiveness of various approaches to language learning and language teaching,
  8. The training or retraining of teachers for the teaching of ESP,
  9. Identifying aspects of ESP needing development,
  10. ESP programs and learners’ professional or vocational interests,
  11. Implications that findings from related disciplines can have for the profession of ESP.

Language Testing and Assessment

A field of study under the umbrella of applied linguistics.

  1. The assessment of first, second or other languages in the school, college, or university context
  2. The assessment may include listening, speaking, reading, writing, and integration of two or more of these skills, or other constructs of language ability.
  3. Equal weight may be placed on knowledge (understanding how the language works theoretically) and proficiency (ability to use the language practically), or greater weight may be given to one aspect or the other.

Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics

The descriptive study of the effect of any aspects of society, including:

  1. Cultural norms,
  2. Expectations, and context, on the way language
  3. Code-switching,
  4. Diglossia,
  5. Language change,
  6. Language ideology,
  7. Language planning,
  8. Multilingualism,
  9. Prestige,
  10. Areas of study: Accent, dialect, register, discourse analysis, language varieties, linguistics description, pragmatics, variation.
  11. Psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, speech and language pathology,
  12. Language acquisition,
  13. Language comprehension,
  14. Language production,
  15. Second language acquisition.

English Language Teaching Methodology

Teaching method refers to general principles,

  1. Pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction.
  2. Language-teaching procedures: approach, method, design, procedure, and technique.

Applied Linguistics Studies

The journal of nature, structure and variation of language, including:

  1. Phonetics,
  2. Phonology,
  3. Morphology and the study of human speech,
  4. Language form,
  5. Language meaning,
  6. Language in context,
  7. Syntax and pragmatics.

Computer Interaction in Education / Computer Assisted Language Learning / ICT in Language Teaching and Material Developments

The research issues have been divided into topics and themes:

  1. ICTs on learning and achievement,
  2. Monitoring and evaluation,
  3. Equity issues: Equity, special needs and marginalized groups,
  4. ICT in Education Policy issues, school-level issues,
  5. Specific ICT tools used in education,
  6. Teachers, Teaching and ICTs,
  7. Content & Curriculum issues,
  8. ICTs in school affect future employment,
  9. Computer-literacy instruction in schools,
  10. ICTs in education on access, use of, attitudes toward, and learning outcomes,
  11. ICT integration, learning strategies fostered by the use of ICTs impact special needs and disadvantaged students,
  12. ICT applications, audio/verbal versus visual representations of educational content, and communicative modes impact communicative practices and create/reinforce/ameliorate various exclusions and inclusions as curriculum and communication methods are moved on-line
  13. The best practices for producing, disseminating and using educational content in audio format (including via radio) for deaf students
  14. ICT use for special needs and disadvantaged students by introduced into teacher professional development activities
  15. Collaborative activities in groups facilitated by ICTs on students
  16. ICTs for use in schools outside of computer classroom
  17. ICT components in education projects
  18. ICT facilities in schools to the wider community
  19. Pedagogical practices and transformations
  20. Outcomes of ICT use by teachers resulting from participation in professional development activities
  21. Practices for creating electronic/digital curricular content
  22. ICTs, curricular issues and standardized testing
  23. ICT in education policies are currently in place
  24. ICTs be used to facilitate the decentralization process underway or contemplated in many Ministries of Education
  25. ICTs be used to combat corruption in the education sector
  26. The best practices from implementing education management information systems (EMIS)
  27. ICTs have been introduced and maintained in schools
  28. Introduction and maintenance of ICT-related equipment and to promote ICT-related instruction

Intercultural Communication

Focuses on interrelationships between culture and communication. The research may report results from either cross-cultural comparative research or results from other types of research concerning the ways culture affects human symbolic activities. Studies reporting data from within a single nation/culture should focus on cultural factors and explore the theoretical or practical relevance of their findings from a cross-cultural perspective.

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