prof eny

Prof. Dr. Eny Syatriana, S.Pd., M.Pd.

She is a distinguished academician at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (Unismuh Makassar). She is a Professor in English Language Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Unismuh Makassar. She has a strong educational background in English Language Education. She has completed her undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees from reputable universities. Her extensive academic experience has equipped her with in-depth knowledge and skills in the field.

As a Professor at Unismuh Makassar, Prof. Dr. Eny Syatriana has made significant contributions to the development of English Language Education. Some of her key roles include:

She actively teaches various courses related to English Language Education, such as Methods of Teaching English, Curriculum Development, and others. She has produced numerous scientific publications, both in national and international journals. She is actively involved in various community service activities related to the development of English language education, such as workshops, training, and seminars.

Prof. Dr. Eny Syatriana’s primary expertise lies in curriculum development, technology-based English language learning, and English language assessment. She has a strong interest in improving the quality of English language education in Indonesia. She has made significant contributions to the development of English Language Education in Indonesia. Through her research, teaching, and community service, she has inspired many young people to become quality English language educators.
