Program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar melakukan inisiasi kegiatan akademik berbasis penelitian khusus pada mahasiswa yang dipersiapkan untuk penyelesaian tugas akhir. Kegiatan ini dilatar belakangi oleh nawacita peningkatan kualitas dan kapasitas mahasiswa prodi pendidikan bahasa Inggris, di dalam menghadirkan penelitian-penelitian yang lebih bermanfaat kepada dunia pendidikan dan masyarakat pada umumnya. Tugas akhir mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menjadi skripsi yang berkualitas dengan segala keabsahan data dan langkah dalam penyusunannya. Para dosen pembimbing akan lebih mudah dalam menyelaraskan arahan dan mengurangi kebuntuan mahasiswa terhadap gagasan penelitian yang dibangun. Melalui kegiatan Research Academy menjadi langkah solutif kepada semua pihak dalam memberikan hasil-hasil penelitian yang bernilai kemajuan. Research Academy dijadikan sebagai wadah bagi seluruh mahasiswa prodi pendidikan bahasa Inggris yang sedang dan akan menyusun tugas akhir berupa skripsi. Mahasiswa berkumpul dalam sebuah training dan tuntas menyelesaikan kegiatan hingga akhir. Program dirancang dengan proporsional, profesional dan berluaran jelas.
RA Coordinator & Head of Department
We are focused on educational research, especially English language issues
provides a hands-on introduction for students embarking on their first qualitative research projects in language teaching and learning environments. theoretical, methodological, and procedural aspects of conducting qualitative studies on issues of language teaching and learning, and includes examples which take a closer look at real-world scenarios and obstacles that might occur in language education research.
Mendeley Reference Manager is a free web and desktop reference management application. It helps you simplify your reference management workflow so you can focus on achieving your goals. With Mendeley Reference Manager you can: Store, organize and search all your references from just one library.
Articulate a research problem and research questions (and, in some cases, a tentative hypothesis) Demonstrate your knowledge of previous research on the topic and your understanding of the ‘gaps’ Explain the methods you propose to use and justify why you have chosen these methods
As a student, you may explore publishing your research or creative work in order to get experience and establish your reputation in your field. Students in any field of study are eligible to publish, and doing so can enhance their knowledge. Understanding publishing can help you prepare for each stage of the writing and showcasing process. This section highlights the potential of publishing and provides a step-by-step guidance and publication advice for undergraduates on how to publish a paper.
Presently, the English Education Department has a total number of students. It is deemed vital to govern the submission procedure, material provision, and research knowledge in order to maximize the student’s study period. For the supervision and writing of the final project (thesis) to proceed smoothly, it is crucial to give academic activities in the form of a research scientific academy through a series of research academy activities. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Unismuh Makassar, research experts participated in this activity. It is anticipated that this activity would generate research ideas in the form of high-quality student final assignments suitable for publishing in national journals and even respectable international journals. The English Education Department aims to ensure the quality of student scientific work, which will be disseminated to the next academic generation, so that the quality and originality of English knowledge can be well-formed.