Eny Syatriana menjadi staf pengajar di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Jenjang pendidikan beliau:
Sarjana, STKIP YPUP Makassar
Magister, Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM)
Doktoral, Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM)
Studi Non-degree:
PKPI (sandwich-like) Northern Illinois University, USA
Penguatan Calon Kelapa Sekolah dan Penguatan Kepala Sekolah. Dirjen GTK Jakarta, 2019
Diklat Berbasis Pembelajaran TIK. LPPPTK GOWA, 2018
Bimtek Penguatan Kepala Sekolah. Dirjen GTK, 2020
Pelatihan Penulisan Buku Ajar. UNM, 2019
Language Assessment
Speaking for Advance
Seminar on ELT
Issues in Language Teaching and Learning
English Syntax
Language Curriculum Development
Educational Psychology
National and International Networking
S2 Pascasarjana UNM. Dosen Luar Biasa MK Curriculum Development. 2019
Unit perjalanan wisata (upw). Dosen Luar Biasa D3 Academic tourism. 2021
Management tata boga (MTB). Dosen Luar Biasa D3 Academic tourism. 2021
S1 STIA LAN Makassar. Dosen Luar Biasa MK Bahasa inggris. 2020
Pascasarjana UNM. Dosen Luar Biasa MK Education Psychology. 2017-2018
Pascasarjana UNM. Dosen Luar Biasa MK Education Psychology. 2017-2018
Pascasarjana UNM. Dosen Luar Biasa MK Curriculum and Material Development 2017-2018
External Examiner at Postgraduate Program of Unismuh Makassar, English Language Program. 2018-2019
External Examiner at Postgraduate Program of Unismuh Makassar, English Language Program. 2019-2020
External Examiner at Postgraduate Program of Unismuh Makassar, English Language Program. 2020-2021
Research Work
Improving The Reading Comprehension of The English Students of STKIP YPUP Through RRS Strategy. 2010
Jurnal Nasional, Developing a Model of Teaching reading Comprehension for EFL students.(Penelitian dipublikasikan pada Jurnal TEFLIN, Teaching English As A Foreign Language in Indonesia. Volume 21. 2010
Peningkatan kemampuan membaca teks Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa semester Dua STKIP-YPUP melalui strategi tiga tahap pembelajaran bacaan. DIKTI 2011
Developing the students reading comprehension through cognitive reading strategies of the first year students of SMAN 16 Makassar. DIKTI 2012
Using Five culture dimension to identify the cultural intelligence of EFL students of STKIP YPUP, ICOLE 3. UNM 2013
Designing instructional material for senior high school through PPP. Dissertation 2014
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Writing Berbasis Pendekatan Membaca Melalui Strategi Reflection Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP YPUP”. Two Years. Hibah bersaing 2015, 2016
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Task Based learning Dan Penerapannya Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bercakap Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP YPUP Makassar. Hibah Terapan 2016
The effect of mapping instructional materials on EFL learners with different types of materials. 2017
Peningkatan kompetensi siswa SMP Aisyiyah Paccinongang melalui kegiatan circuit learning. 2019
The potential of local language and language acquisition: A case study of Makassar language, Indonesia. 2020
A method to push students speaking ability in English foreign language classroom. 2021
An investigation of deep and surface learning approach toward English Vocabulary acquisition of EFL students. 2021
Preventif effort against konjo language extinction through multilingual learning. Unismuh Makassar 2020
Pengembangan Model pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Kolb’s learning Styles dan Experiental Learning dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bercakap Bahasa Inggris. PDUPT DIKTI 2020 and 2022
Principle for the evaluation of reading assessment tools. 2021
The impact of social characteristic of EFL students toward covid 19. 2021
Community Service
BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing) Language Center, UNM. 2010
Journal Article
Jurnal, Improving The Reading Comprehension of The English Students of STKIP YPUP Through RRS Strategy. Al-Adabi. Volume VI Edisi Ke-1 Maret 2010
Creating Instructional Materials Based on the School Curriculum for Indonesian secondary School. International Institute for Science, Technology and Education. Vol.4 No International Institute for Science, Technology and Education 20. 2013, ISSN 2222-1735 (paper), ISSN 2222-288X (online)
A model of reading teaching for University EFL students need analisi and model design. English Language teaching. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/elt.v5n10pl
The effect of mapping instructional materials on EFL learners with different types of materials. 2019
Model Pembelajaran membaca pemahaman Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah. UNM. 2011. ISBN 978-602-11-82-9
Developing Writing. LPP Unismuh. 2018. ISBN 978-602-8187-75-6
Learn and Practice. LPP Unismuh. 2019. ISBN 9786237 -349099
Speaking Naturally. LPP Unismuh. 2022. ISBN 9786237-349846
Experiential Learning on ELT. LPP Unismuh. 2023. ISBN 978-623-8104-11-6
Proceeding, Language Learning Strategy Used by EFL Students of STKIP- YPUP Makassar. 2011. Proceeding of International Conference. UNM
Developing the students reading comprehension through cognitive reading strategies of the first year students of SMAN 16 Makassar. Division of International Office, Sandwich like working paper. Division of International Office, Sandwich like working paper, NIU, DeKalb, USA, 2012
Using Five culture dimension to identify the cultural intelligence of EFL students of STKIP YPUP, ICOLE 3, UNM, 2013.
Developing a model of teaching writing based on reading approach through reflection strategy for EFL students of STKIP YPUP. Denpasar, 14-16 September 2015http://teflin.org/jounal/index.php/jounal